flexible work

Human-Centered Design at Work

Human-Centered Design at Work

Human-centered design has been critical to innovations in production and web development since the 1990s, and then in 2008, IDEO.org popularized it among nonprofits to enhance accessibility and inclusiveness in programming.

Now, companies and executives are applying human-centered design principles to the workplace and creating an environment that works better for their employees.

Components of the World of Work: How Flexibility Improves Each Element

Components of the World of Work: How Flexibility Improves Each Element

The world of work is changing every day. While school closures made the COVID transition to remote work far less than ideal, many employees may want to maintain flexibility once childcare is back in place.

Flexible workplaces actually perform better in the world of work because each component has been streamlined to provide the most benefit to the worker and the company, while ultimately improving the customer experience through balanced and engaged employees.

6 Common Objections to a Flexible Workplace (and how to argue for agility)

Over the past few months, all employers were forced to combat the virus with a work-from-home structure and allowance for flexible schedules due to the lack of childcare. But when the world returns to normalcy (and your children have their usual routine for school or daycare), what parts of this flexible workplace do we want to continue?