The Future of Work is Hybrid

Over the past year, we’ve had the opportunity to see the Future of Work realized. Each day, we’re moving closer to the flexibility employees need to produce their best work.

However, some companies are reverting back to the old way of working, modeled after the industrial era. Let’s walk through some of the trends we’re seeing from this past year — good and bad — and how they can be addressed with a futuristic mindset.

The Fallacy of Remote-Only

One trend we’ve seen is the concept of “remote-only” work hijacking the Future of Work conversation. At SWAY, while we believe that some people can be highly productive in a remote-only setting,  it does not accurately reflect the desires of most employees.

Because some companies believe remote-only is the way everyone wants to work, they are taking a hard stance against any form of hybrid work.

Teams Want to Be Together

Not every employee wants to work from a laptop in Thailand. Few professionals prefer to work all night and sleep all day. And most people do not want to start their own business in order to achieve the schedule they need.

After surveying different corporate teams (and through anecdotal conversations with friends), we’ve learned employees want to be in the office an average of two days per week. They enjoy waking up, getting dressed, heading into work, and seeing their colleagues face-to-face.

Over the past two years, employees have realized they spent too much time commuting. But they still see the value of meeting in person with their teammates. Business leaders and company policy-makers should take this to heart before forcing an either/or choice.

Hybrid is the Future

Instead of believing the remote-only hype, look into offering a hybrid solution to your teammates. A flexible, hybrid workplace is the solution to many of the problems employers are facing today. As a result, your team will have the flexibility they want AND the team interaction they’re looking for.

You’ve learned that your team can work effectively without being face-to-face. So why go back to the old way of work, with its rigid 9-5 system and ineffective meetings? Your team will be more productive and happier with a hybrid arrangement.

The Great Resignation

Now for the trend everyone is talking about: employees leaving their jobs searching for better options or leaving the workforce entirely. While this can be a scary situation for some companies, this is also an excellent opportunity for others. The best talent is available for new work, and you can hire from anywhere in the country.

Hybrid Work vs. Penalties

Many companies have instituted extra benefits for returning to the office, meaning those who choose to stay remote or hybrid are penalized. And those not in the office find they have to work harder to stay relevant when their teammates are together in person.

The natural result is an employee who says, “I’ll just find a new job then.”

Instead of losing great employees, companies should embrace hybrid work as the Future of Work. Companies that respect the personal lives of their employees will have lower turnover. Measure employees by how much work they complete, instead of how often you see them at their desks, to give them the respect they need to succeed.

The Truth about Productivity

Many companies seem to believe that productivity can only happen in an office building, despite almost two years of working from home. Employees want to come to the office approximately 2-3 times per week: not because of productivity, but for the interaction with their coworkers.

Productivity happens when employees are allowed to work when and where they feel the best. Sometimes that’s in an office during the typical 9-5 hours, and sometimes that’s in a coffee shop or library. No one works the same way, and you’ll keep employees when you recognize this!

Hire the Best Talent

If your company is willing to offer hybrid work and treats employees with a future-of-work mindset, you’ll be able to hire the best in the business. When an employee only needs to travel to the office a few times per week, they might look for jobs outside their typical driving radius — giving you access to new teammates in new locations. 

Employees are looking for companies that value their results, not just their time.

Don’t Get Lost in the Automation

We’ve been speaking to employers for most of the post, but employees can’t ignore the continuing trend towards automation in everything. If you feel your role might be automated in the future, it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and find unique ways to make an impact. Study your industry, and get excited about new technology. Maybe you should be the one who introduces the automation to your department and set yourself up for a management position.

However you work it, stay ahead of automation by staying innovative.

The Future of Work: Remote-Only is not the answer

As we review the Future of Work trends over the past year, we are most concerned about the remote-only conversations happening within companies. Teams do want to see each other in person, but they don’t want to be working on-site full time.

If your company is eliminating a hybrid work policy, talk to your manager and ask these questions (before you leave for a new job):

  • What elements of in-person work did you prefer over our remote work situation?

  • Were there any specific times you felt my work would have been better on-site?

  • How can we improve communication, so you feel more comfortable with a hybrid work situation?