Resolutions for The Future of Work

The future of work is here! Through 2020’s “crash course” in flexible work, we've gotten over that initial loneliness of working from home and demonstrated the efficiency of remote work. 2020 taught us to communicate better and set boundaries, while managing family needs and fear for the future.

2020 was a year like no other. And while your kids might be back in school, you're probably still working from home as many businesses cancel leases in favor of remote work, smaller coworking spaces, or scheduling a few on-site days per week.

How can you take the skills you developed in 2020 and make 2021 better?

Resolutions for Your Team

Start the year with intentionality and set the tone by establishing boundaries, asking what worked and what didn’t, and aiming to make your team as effective as possible.

Streamline Training

With more opportunities for hiring remote workers or team changes while working-from-home, January is a great time to outline job requirements and make training videos. Work with the team to get their processes on paper: this will help scheduling vacations easier, too. Even if you don’t add any new team members, the year will be easier with this information easily accessible when someone’s out of office.

Establish Weekly or Daily Touch-base Meetings

The “new normal” is no longer new: help your team be intentional about their time instead of reacting to work each day. Depending on the structure, you can start the week with a meeting to make sure everyone is on track to meet goals. Or you might try a daily recap from each team member on Slack at the end of the day -- what they accomplished that day, what they plan on working on the next day, and reminder if they’ll be offline.

Daily updates may seem like micromanaging, but could actually provide the accountability your team needs without the team leader constantly asking for the status

Fitness Challenge as a Team

Maybe your team struggles to get off their computers everyday, and you want to build a better culture in 2021. You could schedule a fitness challenge with a fun reward, whether that’s tracking steps or setting a goal for number of workouts, to encourage team building while ensuring everyone gets away from their desks sometime.

Resolutions for Yourself

Many of us make resolutions each year, only to fall back into the same habits from the past. 2020 changed that and proved your adaptability. Now, set yourself up to achieve your goals with mindful resolutions in 2021.

Make New Connections

In the new year, build connections internally by intentionally collaborating and asking advice from your colleagues more than in the past. Even when working from home, you can reach out to coworkers and get a meal or grab a coffee with those who live locally. 

Don’t forget to jump into the SWAY community on Facebook (and our app in the future!) to make connections outside of your company when you need new insight.

Build a Routine You Love

Whether it's a delicious breakfast or morning run, or your nighttime routine after kids are in bed: build in rituals you look forward to every day. These enjoyable routines build structure into your day, give your brain time to be creative, and encourage “work as a lifestyle” instead of always looking for elusive balance.

Incorporate Self Care Everyday

Set a goal to schedule self care into each day. This doesn't need to be a bathbomb and a glass of wine! Maybe you just want to read fiction for half an hour during lunch, learn a language, or pick up a new hobby. Choose something completely different from your work tasks to avoid burnout.

This next year will still be difficult -- we'll still be wearing masks and schools will close some days for deep cleaning or quarantining -- but let's get out of survival mode and set ourselves up for success in this new year!

Start a conversation with other flexible workers and learn more about the “work as a lifestyle” movement by connecting with SWAY through our app, free Facebook lives, or consulting services!