Ready for Hybrid Work? Design Your Personal Work Routine.

One of the big misconceptions about remote or flexible workers is that they only want to work in their pajamas watching Netflix. While the forced remote work environment of 2020 may have dissolved that perception, building a routine now lands on the individual and requires a new degree of personal responsibility.

In the new World of Work, the worker gets to choose and set the guardrails.

While this sounds empowering, many people struggle to hold themselves accountable in building a routine (if you feel this way, there’s no shame in that! It’s more common than you realize!).

However, this personal responsibility will go a long way in building trust with your manager and can lead to more freedom in the long run. As you prove your abilities in a flexible environment, your boss and employer will no longer be wondering, “what are my employees doing all day?” Instead, they’ll be confident you can get the work done well and on time.

More than a schedule in your calendar

Designing and maintaining a personal work routine is a skill set. Your routine has been laid out for you throughout your life, but the flexible workplace allows you to set that routine for yourself! For most of us, this transition is a challenge: we’ve built a routine around commuting to and from school or work all of our lives, and now we need to build that structure for ourselves.


The first step in building a routine is observing yourself. What work environment do I thrive in? What time of day? Where do I work best?

This may take some trial and error, but start somewhere! Think about times when you’ve been extremely productive and replicate that environment.


The next step is identifying what’s available to you. Asking, what do I have to work with at home?

Do you have a space you can set aside for work? Can you work effectively at your dining room table? Or will you be too distracted by chores around the house to focus on your work?

Set a vision

How do you picture your days and weeks? Do you want to train for a marathon? Do you pick up your kids from school and drive them to activities every weeknight?

Start imagining your perfect week and put it on paper.

Action Steps

Now it’s time to set your schedule! Maybe that means heading to the library or coffee shop for the afternoon; maybe you take a break to go for a run or take a yoga class during the day.

You also need to take responsibility for your environment at home: you’re now in control of everything from the temperature to the air quality to the lighting. Now that you’re aware of your environment, it’s time to buy the things that would make you more productive. If money’s tight, check Facebook Marketplace or ask around -- you probably have a friend with an air purifier still in a box in their closet.

The Future of Work: Finding Efficiency through Flexibility

In the Future of Work, the basis for routine is choice and trust. Employees realize they have greater personal responsibility to complete their work without their boss looking over their shoulders throughout the day. They need to find the routine that allows them to achieve their “non-negotiables” -- whether those are personal goals like daily exercise or responsibilities like school pick up -- while getting their tasks completed well.

In the comments, answer these questions for yourself and encourage each other as you prepare for the future of work:

  • Do you struggle with building a routine? The more you share, the more you’ll see how many people do struggle with this!

  • What are your non-negotiables to include in the day?

  • Have you realized any must-haves for a productive day?